We are always looking for new ways to integrate sustainability into our event delivery, campaign strategy and creative thinking.

By working together with our dedicated in house team, valued clients and expert partners, we will be part of the solution to the climate crisis. We are committed to acting now.

We have set out ambitious goals to reduce our emissions, rethink our waste and increase our knowledge.
Our progress is monitored quarterly and we assess these ambitions annually.

Our Ambitions

To be a net zero business by 2030


We will reduce scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions* in our internal business operations by 30% by 2025.

We will reduce our scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions* from our events and campaigns by at least 25% by 2030.


We will reduce our waste in our internal business operations by 20% by 2025.

We will reduce our waste in our events and campaign delivery by 40% by 2030.

*Scope 1 emissions covers all direct emissions from our owned sources. Scope 2 covers indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heating and cooling. Scope 3 emissions cover all over indirect emissions in our value chain. These ambitions are reviewed annually, with the next review February 2024. We will disclose our progress on an annual basis.


Owl Live is a truly people-centric organisa6on, and we are commi:ed to ensuring all our team are fully educated, engaged and informed.

100% of our delivery team will have completed isla’s sustainability training by 2024.

Our dedicated team of Eco Owls regularly share updates and inspira6on with the wider team, and ensure sustainability best prac6ces are being upheld throughout the company.

Trace by Isla

Meet our Sustainability team:

We have a dedicated sustainability working group who meet weekly to ensure we are innovating, knowledge sharing and achieving our ambitions.

Team member

Jess Brown
Deputy Head of Production

Team member

Michelle Marginson
Head of Production

Team member

Dean Williamson

Team member

Sarah Hunt
People and Culture Manager

Team member

Helen Cunningham
Finance Manager

Team member

Danny Lee
Creative Lead

Team member

Lisa Sparkes
Interim Head of Production

“We aren’t afraid to push the boundaries and have the tough conversations when they’re needed, always using data to inform our decisions. Ultimately, we want to deliver engaging sustainable experiences that create impact for the right reasons.”

Antony Greeberg, Founder and Managing Director